Friday 9 September 2016

How did wolves become dogs?

How did wolves become dogs?

Before you read below here is the first page:

My dog naturally herded sheep for pray!

My dog
This is My dog called Hector. He is a border collie and loves chasing. One time he ran up to some sheep and started to herd them together. My family has never trained him to do something like that and all of a sudden he ran around and around the sheep barking. Once a sheep was separated from the folk, he tried to move the lone sheep further and further away. These sheep didn't even belong to us but luckily, he didn't kill or injure any.

A wolf
Do you see a difference between the wolf and my dog? Well I found out that wolves do very similar things. One thing from my story is that collies are unlikely to kill. Dogs used to kill for hutting in the past, but now they don't kill because humans are breed dogs that are less aggressive and more funny/cute/playful.

Original picture:

The easiest explanation on how wolves changed into dogs, is that wolves managed to interacted with humans and not fear them, and the humans managed to train the wolves into hunting dogs.

Wolves body changed, their skulls, teeth, and paws shrank. Their ears also flopped as well as their temperamentWolves gained a docile disposition which means that dogs now a days are less frightening and less fearful.

What really made a wolf a dog is that they learned to read the expressions/movements of a human's body!

Where I got some of my information:

 Youtube link:

 Maybe wolves evolved like this?


Pictures where taken from The Cartoon History of the Universe by the Big Bang that I own.

To punches the book:

Here is the begging:

All information and photos used have a link to there original owner.

Types of wolves

The Mexican, the Eurasian and the Tundra Wolf!

Before you read below here is the first page:

Wolf that lives in the desert!?:Mexican Grey Wolf

The Mexican grey wolves are believed to be related
to the domestic dog. They took 20,000
Close to dog
years to evolved and they lived in the Northern Hemisphere. They currently live in the South-western Deserts.

They once lived all together, but because of human persecution and habitat destruction it has been eliminated from much of its original range.

The Mexican grey wolf is actually critically endangered. There was once thousands of animals throughout south-eastern Arizona, southern New Mexico, western Texas and northern Mexico.

Original picture:

I got my information for the Mexican grey wolf here:

Eurasian wolf

Eurasian wolves are shorter and they have more denser fur
than the common. This does not mean that the wolves are
less aggressive than other wolves.

Eurasian Wolf
Naturally, females usually about twenty per cent smaller than males, like in humans males are naturally stronger than females.

The wolves have a white, cream, red, grey and black, type of coat and sometimes with all colours combined.

These wolves have around 6 pups and sometimes 1 or 2 dies. These wolves have an interesting den. The den is dug among bushes or rocks and can just be a hole in the ground that's near shelter.

They eat/hunt chamois, saiga, wild boar, red deer, roe deer and livestock.

In rural villages, many people have lots of waste bins open. These leads to many wolves and stray dogs to feed there.

Original picture:

I got my information for the Mexican grey wolf here:

Tundra Wolf

The tundra wolf are the type of the wolves that live in cold areas around the world, that are also know as arctic wolves. Because of the wolves having a white, brownish coat, they are vulnerable to the fur trade, where they get killed and skinned. The fur is usually sold for twice as much. This makes t

Tundra wolves also have larger feet than gray wolves. This helps spread their weight evenly while walking on snowy ground.

Original picture:

I got my information for the Tundra wolf here:


Baby wolves (Cubs)

Before you read below here is the first post:

Baby wolves (Cubs)

When the cubs/pups are first born they are born blind and deaf so they are defenceless! The wolves also have about 5-6 cubs. Ten or fifteen days later, the cubs can open there eyes but they only have control over their front legs! This makes the cubs have to crawl.

Five or ten more days later, they can walk. They are cared for by all the members of the pack. At 45 days old the pups are fed regurgitated food by all the pack members! (Not just by their parents) During the 20th to 77th day, the pups leave the den for the first time and learn to play fight.

Youtube link:

Interesting facts about wolves!

When one wolf howls it wounds like one, but when two wolfs howl, they sound like twenty! This is so that other packs can scare of another pack.

I got my information for facts on wolfs here:


All information and photos used have a link to there original owner.

About wolves

About wolves

The basics about wolves!

Wolves travel in packs together so they can survive easier.
Wolves are meat eaters (carnivores).
Wolves howl to scare other packs away.
Wolves look and is related to dogs.
Wolves have fur and are coated with white, black, brown and grey.
There is an alpha, which is the leader of the wolf pack and when one dies, a new alpha take over as the leader of the pack.

The most common type of wolves: The Canins lupus

These beautiful wolves are found in places such as United States, Alaska, Canada and Mexico, where a forest or an artic would be.

In the winter or in Artic lands, The Canins Lupus have a pure white fur on their chest with a grey coat.

The Canins lupus's coat change depending on where they are! So white wolves will usually be in snow areas!

Did you know that, They have two layers of coats! The inner layer is waterproof and keeps them warm while the second one,  gets thicker through out the year. This means that wolves can live in tempter's like -50°!

When its warmer the Canins lupus fur becomes brown, grey and a bit of black.

Original picture:


All information and photos used have a link to there original owner.

Thursday 1 September 2016

The Geography of the types of Wolves

The Geography of the types of Wolves

My Introduction

My name is Thomas and I have always liked Wolves. I am doing a blog on wolves because I would like to know about the types of wolves and I am also interested in how they survive. I also have a dog, that  is a border collie and he looks wolf like. I would also like to see how wolves changed into dogs.

Below is a link to the next post. Links will be at the bottom for the next post.


All information and photos used have a link to there original owner.